Tamta Suladze
Tamta Suladze
Tamta Suladze
Tamta Suladze
Tamta Suladze
由于其技术和流动性解决方案的不断改进,加密和外汇行业流动性和技术解决方案提供商 B2Broker 已成功推出新的 流动性报价。降低体积成本和大大减少进入壁垒是新广告的特点。据报道,新协议旨在让经纪商有更大的机会扩大业务并获得主要竞争优势,同时尽可能有效地保持成本!
为了满足行业需求,B2Broker 降低了各种金融工具的 批量费用,包括现货外汇、金属、指数、能源和商品:
对于其市场领先的加密货币差价合约,B2Broker 已将其流动性费用结构从 0.035% 降低至 0.03%,并在第一层级中降低:
B2Broker 的月度业务条款最近得到了改进。之前每月 1,250 美元的最低费用已降至目前的 1,000 美元。
保证金户口的入金维持最低金额降低 50%
最低保证金户口的入金维持金额降低 50%,使潜在经纪商的进入门槛比以往任何时候都低。
B2Broker 的机构流动性提供了一系列特殊的解决方案和无与伦比的成本效益,并得到稳固可靠的流动性和技术提供商的保证作为后盾。通过降低五种主要资产类型的费用、降低存款金额和降低加密差价合约的交易量流动性费用,增强交易旨在将您的业务提升到一个新的水平。
The ownership for word and logo trademarks “B2Broker” belongs to B2Broker LTD, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, company number 10562809; Word and logo trademarks B2Broker are used as a trading name of group of companies that have presence in different countries. Please pay attention that we don’tprovide financial services on behalf of B2Broker LTD. We provide financial services on behalf of companies that have relevant licenses. Please carefully study our documents posted at this website: Legal information and Disclaimers, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. These documents are available only in English. You acknowledge that you know the English language at a sufficient level to understand the text of these documents, and you fully understand the legal consequences of these documents. In case you do not understand or understand the English language poorly, you acknowledge that you have used the services of a professional interpreter. If you don’t agree with this statement or information provided in our documents, please leave this website immediately. Continuation of your use of our website confirms your agreement with the above statements and documents.
The ownership for word and logo trademarks “B2Broker” belongs to B2Broker LTD, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, company number 10562809; Word and logo trademarks B2Broker are used as a trading name of group of companies that have presence in different countries. Please pay attention that we don’tprovide financial services on behalf of B2Broker LTD. We provide financial services on behalf of companies that have relevant licenses. Please carefully study our documents posted at this website: Legal information and Disclaimers, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. These documents are available only in English. You acknowledge that you know the English language at a sufficient level to understand the text of these documents, and you fully understand the legal consequences of these documents. In case you do not understand or understand the English language poorly, you acknowledge that you have used the services of a professional interpreter. If you don’t agree with this statement or information provided in our documents, please leave this website immediately. Continuation of your use of our website confirms your agreement with the above statements and documents.
The ownership for word and logo trademarks “B2Broker” belongs to B2Broker LTD, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, company number 10562809; Word and logo trademarks B2Broker are used as a trading name of group of companies that have presence in different countries. Please pay attention that we don’tprovide financial services on behalf of B2Broker LTD. We provide financial services on behalf of companies that have relevant licenses. Please carefully study our documents posted at this website: Legal information and Disclaimers, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. These documents are available only in English. You acknowledge that you know the English language at a sufficient level to understand the text of these documents, and you fully understand the legal consequences of these documents. In case you do not understand or understand the English language poorly, you acknowledge that you have used the services of a professional interpreter. If you don’t agree with this statement or information provided in our documents, please leave this website immediately. Continuation of your use of our website confirms your agreement with the above statements and documents.
The ownership for word and logo trademarks “B2Broker” belongs to B2Broker LTD, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, company number 10562809; Word and logo trademarks B2Broker are used as a trading name of group of companies that have presence in different countries. Please pay attention that we don’tprovide financial services on behalf of B2Broker LTD. We provide financial services on behalf of companies that have relevant licenses. Please carefully study our documents posted at this website: Legal information and Disclaimers, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. These documents are available only in English. You acknowledge that you know the English language at a sufficient level to understand the text of these documents, and you fully understand the legal consequences of these documents. In case you do not understand or understand the English language poorly, you acknowledge that you have used the services of a professional interpreter. If you don’t agree with this statement or information provided in our documents, please leave this website immediately. Continuation of your use of our website confirms your agreement with the above statements and documents.