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B2Core REST API B2Broker
B2Broker 推出的 B2Core REST API 推出了一个新的 REST API,使客户能够使用公司出于商业原因提供的产品和服务。客户端可以利用 HTTP 技术使用 REST API 创建、读取、修改和删除资源。这是该组织的一个重要里程碑,因为它为客户提供了额外的自由和选择。 B2Broker 在为外汇业务提供最新版本的尖端解决方案方面始终处于领先地位。我们要感谢您一直以来的支持和忠诚!
后台 API
客户可以使用后台提供的 API 协议来获取有关现有用户、帐户和付款的数据,以用于分析或管理目的。公司将从中受益匪浅,因为他们将能够了解并优先考虑他们的客户群。通过此 API 获取的数据还将有助于分析客户如何与公司的商品和服务互动。该数据使企业能够实施所需的修改以改进其产品。最终,Back-Office API 将使企业受益,让他们能够充分了解他们的消费者并对他们的产品和服务做出更明智的决定。
前台 API
B2Core API 功能使消费者能够与 交易室(前台 API)。您可以使用 Front-Office API 执行授权、整合您的产品界面功能、执行交易和许多其他任务。这是增强产品功能并使其对消费者更具吸引力的绝妙方法。使用 Front-Office API,您可以提高产品的性能,使其更加动态和用户友好。如果您正在寻找方法来增强您的业务并提高其竞争力,那么 Front-Office API 值得研究。
在 B2Broker,我们很高兴地宣布 B2Core API 的可用性。毫无疑问,我们将继续添加新的功能和特性。这个首次发布的 B2Core API 不会是我们的最后一个版本,因为我们致力于扩展此 API 的功能和特性,以便您享受最愉快的体验。在这个版本中,我们打算为我们的用户提供更多选项来开发现有产品和构建新应用程序。我们相信,该 API 对外汇、差价合约、加密货币经纪商、加密货币交易所、转换器以及其他金融科技组织具有很高的价值。
如果您想了解 B2Core API 的内容,请随意练习!我们将其设计为对所有用户来说都很简单。如果您遇到任何问题或对我们如何改进 API 有任何想法,请告诉我们。我们一直在寻找可以改善我们的商品和服务的新方法。
The ownership for word and logo trademarks “B2Broker” belongs to B2Broker LTD, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, company number 10562809; Word and logo trademarks B2Broker are used as a trading name of group of companies that have presence in different countries. Please pay attention that we don’tprovide financial services on behalf of B2Broker LTD. We provide financial services on behalf of companies that have relevant licenses. Please carefully study our documents posted at this website: Legal information and Disclaimers, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. These documents are available only in English. You acknowledge that you know the English language at a sufficient level to understand the text of these documents, and you fully understand the legal consequences of these documents. In case you do not understand or understand the English language poorly, you acknowledge that you have used the services of a professional interpreter. If you don’t agree with this statement or information provided in our documents, please leave this website immediately. Continuation of your use of our website confirms your agreement with the above statements and documents.
The ownership for word and logo trademarks “B2Broker” belongs to B2Broker LTD, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, company number 10562809; Word and logo trademarks B2Broker are used as a trading name of group of companies that have presence in different countries. Please pay attention that we don’tprovide financial services on behalf of B2Broker LTD. We provide financial services on behalf of companies that have relevant licenses. Please carefully study our documents posted at this website: Legal information and Disclaimers, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. These documents are available only in English. You acknowledge that you know the English language at a sufficient level to understand the text of these documents, and you fully understand the legal consequences of these documents. In case you do not understand or understand the English language poorly, you acknowledge that you have used the services of a professional interpreter. If you don’t agree with this statement or information provided in our documents, please leave this website immediately. Continuation of your use of our website confirms your agreement with the above statements and documents.
The ownership for word and logo trademarks “B2Broker” belongs to B2Broker LTD, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, company number 10562809; Word and logo trademarks B2Broker are used as a trading name of group of companies that have presence in different countries. Please pay attention that we don’tprovide financial services on behalf of B2Broker LTD. We provide financial services on behalf of companies that have relevant licenses. Please carefully study our documents posted at this website: Legal information and Disclaimers, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. These documents are available only in English. You acknowledge that you know the English language at a sufficient level to understand the text of these documents, and you fully understand the legal consequences of these documents. In case you do not understand or understand the English language poorly, you acknowledge that you have used the services of a professional interpreter. If you don’t agree with this statement or information provided in our documents, please leave this website immediately. Continuation of your use of our website confirms your agreement with the above statements and documents.
The ownership for word and logo trademarks “B2Broker” belongs to B2Broker LTD, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, company number 10562809; Word and logo trademarks B2Broker are used as a trading name of group of companies that have presence in different countries. Please pay attention that we don’tprovide financial services on behalf of B2Broker LTD. We provide financial services on behalf of companies that have relevant licenses. Please carefully study our documents posted at this website: Legal information and Disclaimers, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. These documents are available only in English. You acknowledge that you know the English language at a sufficient level to understand the text of these documents, and you fully understand the legal consequences of these documents. In case you do not understand or understand the English language poorly, you acknowledge that you have used the services of a professional interpreter. If you don’t agree with this statement or information provided in our documents, please leave this website immediately. Continuation of your use of our website confirms your agreement with the above statements and documents.